Learn more about loan tape reporting and schemas.
A “loan tape” is an old term for all the data related to a loan portfolio that debt investors need in order to assess the performance of a pool of loans. The loan tape is essentially an assembly of data from application to repayment. Companies will maintain their own loan portfolio data in a Loan Management System, either internally built or an off-the-shelf version. Loan portfolio data at companies can also be stored in a custom database or even on a spreadsheet.
While each company has its own data structures, Cascade Debt has developed common models with "minimum" data requirements that can be broken down into these main tables:
- Customer Data
Data related to a company's clients (end or underlying borrowers) - Loan Data
Data related to individual loans disbursed to a company's clients - Expected Payment Schedule
Data related to payment schedules of loans, ie. when s company's clients are expected to repay the loans. These are the contractual obligations of the underlying borrowers. The payment schedule is the complete table of periodic payments showing the amount of principal and the amount of interest, fees, taxes, and any other payment that comprise each payment until the loan is paid off at the end of its term. - Actual/ Historical Real Payment Schedule:
Data related to actual payments made by a company's clients back to the company. The Actual/ Historical Real Payment Schedule is the complete table of all real payments made to date by the underlying borrowers for a specific Loan Identifier (ID), showing the amount of principal and the amount of interest, fees, taxes, and any other payment that comprise each payment. This represents what actually happened in terms of real payments and can be different from the Payment Schedule table as payment value and dates can change based on what the customer actually does. - Collateral:
Data related to physical collateral tied to loans (only for secured loans)
Please note that Cascade Debt can ingest data tables in any structure or form.
Download the loan tape schema with extract requirements to see sample data, variables and data types here.
Loan Tape Schema Definitions
The list of definitions can be found in the Definition Library.